Darcella Glinkowski
Financial Manager/Administrative Officer
(215) 863-3480 | glinkowskid@lmahidta.org
Darcella Glinkowski has been at HIDTA from February 2002 to the Present. Her duties as the Financial Manager/Administrative Office, include providing administrative assistance to the Executive Director and Deputy Director of the Liberty Mid Atlantic High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program, manage the procurement operation, maintain the financial database and serve as office manager with regard to human resources and personnel issues. Darcella also creates interoffice systems that establish sound procedures for various financial and administrative processes. Manage the total supply and procurement operation. Ensure policy and procedures are followed while coordinating special Projects with 14 Federal/State/Local Grants. Provide support and guidance for multiple State, Local and Federal Fiduciaries regarding the Financial Management of HIDTA funds. Analyze, review and input grant fund reprogramming requests, budget proposals, report preparation and audit to assure compliance with grant regulations. Act as central coordinator for all budget and accounting decisions in connection with the law enforcement initiatives. Reconcile accounts in financial accounting system.