Brian A. Michael assumed his current position as Executive Director of the Liberty Mid-Atlantic High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area program…
Read MoreAs part of the Office of National Drug Control Policy’s national HIDTA grant program, the LMA HIDTA strives to:
Facilitate interagency cooperation at the local, state and federal level, to strengthen law enforcement’s ability to investigate drug trafficking organizations and associated money laundering and violence.
Improve intelligence gathering, analysis, and sharing capabilities amongst all levels of law enforcement agencies to dismantle and/or disrupt drug organizations.
Furnish regional law enforcement agencies with mission-critical resources that would otherwise be unavailable.
Brian A. Michael assumed his current position as Executive Director of the Liberty Mid-Atlantic High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area program…
Read MoreJoseph Fredericksdorf was selected to serve as Deputy Director of Liberty Mid Atlantic HIDTA in October 2024. The LMA HIDTA…
Read MoreDarcella Glinkowski has been at HIDTA from February 2002 to the Present. Her duties as the Financial Manager/Administrative Office, include…
Read MoreRon Adams joined the Liberty Mid Atlantic HIDTA in February of 2017. His duties include coordinating all officer and administrative…
Read MoreTerez is a PA licensed social worker. Terez is a graduate of Philadelphia's Central High School (251). She holds a…
Read MoreNeal Wilson is a Corporal for the Philadelphia Police Department (PPD). He has been a member of the PPD since…
Read MoreThe Executive Board is composed of 26 voting members and six non-voting members; The Board provides direction and oversight in establishing and achieving the goals for the LMA HIDTA, chooses the Executive Director, and reviews and approves initiative proposals and funding requests. The Board Chairman and the Vice-Chairman are elected by the board members from among their ranks, alternating between a Federal agency representative and a state or local agency representative annually. Voting members are equally divided between Federal and state/local representatives. The Board provides overall guidance to the operation of the Initiatives. The Executive Board and the Director utilize four Board Committees (Initiative Evaluation, Budget & Finance, Policy & By-Laws, and Intelligence) on matters that come to the Executive Board within these subject areas. These Committees assist the Director by providing guidance in budget/finance matters, overseeing internal initiative reviews, formulation of policies and procedures, and development of the intelligence program.
The mission of the Liberty Mid-Atlantic HIDTA (LMA HIDTA) Investigative Support Center (ISC) is to facilitate achievement of National HIDTA Program Goal Two: Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of HIDTA initiatives. Comprised of a Research and Analysis Section and a Watch Center, the ISC seeks to accomplish its mission by providing strategic, investigative, and tactical intelligence support to HIDTA executive and administrative management, designated LMA HIDTA enforcement initiatives, participating agencies, and a variety of law enforcement and professional counterparts nationwide. Strategically, the ISC fosters intelligence and information sharing relationships among the law enforcement and public health communities nationally to maintain optimal situational awareness and provide accurate, timely assessments and analyses of current and emerging trends in drug trafficking, abuse, and related crime.
The Overdose Response Strategy is an unprecedented and unique collaboration between public health and public safety,
created to help local communities reduce drug overdoses and save lives by sharing timely data, pertinent intelligence, and
innovative strategies.
The Training Initiative is a continuing HIDTA Initiative managed by a Program Manager, in concert with the HIDTA Director and Deputy Director. The Program Manager is contracted through the Chester County District Attorney’s Office. The focus of the Training Initiative remains principally on the job-specific educational needs of LMA HIDTA initiative members.
The administration of the LMA HIDTA is centralized and under the control of the Executive Director in accordance with the directives and polices of the LMA HIDTA Executive Board. The Director and the Management & Coordination (M&C) staff (with the exception of the Deputy Director) are employees of the Pennsylvania Office of the Attorney General (OAG). The Deputy Director is a contractor, engaged through a Personal Services Agreement with Chester Co., PA.
The OAG is the principal fiduciary for the LMA HIDTA. Requests for funds from OAG awards by initiatives for overtime, equipment, services, facilities, training, travel, etc. are forwarded to the M&C Initiative for review and approval by the Director or Deputy Director.
The mission of the LMA HIDTA Information Technology Initiative (ITI) is to enable real-time information sharing by the HIDTA Executive Board, HIDTA funded task forces/initiatives, other HIDTAs, and law enforcement agencies by establishing and maintaining an electronic information network to provide communications, tools, and information sharing capabilities.